This chilling murder mystery show is set in the modern-day world of “The Family”, an ancient organized criminal syndicate that rules the globe from the shadows and whose origins are rooted in the vampiric folklore of the old world of Romania. In this immersive interactive experience, you are a member of The Family, having been cordially invited to a “Reunion”–an old Family tradition where grudges are put to rest and grievances are satisfied through civil discourse instead of brutal violence.
This invitation comes from Matriarch Tatiana Cel Tradat, head of the local Family coterie. No one disobeys the orders of their Matriarch, so you have no choice but to accept and attend. Which Family allegiance will you represent? The formal and traditional Cel Tradat? The artistic and passionate Arabesque? Or perhaps the bizarre and cabalistic Maleficore?
Meanwhile, Logan Price – a police detective on The Family payroll – is caught between his duty to protect the public and his corrupt obligations to the crime syndicate. A serial killer is on the loose, and evidence suggests it’s a Family member. As the body count rises, Detective Price is left with no choice but to confront Matriarch Tatiana and find the killer before the worldwide criminal conspiracy of The Family is exposed by a federal investigation.
With all local Family members in attendance, the deranged killer will be in the room with you; perhaps even sitting right next to you. It is up to you and your fellow guests to examine the evidence and follow the clues before they strike again. Will you shine a light on the truth lurking in the darkness, or will the killer slip away in the night like mist in a graveyard? Join us for an unforgettable evening of mystery and murder where the fate of The Family hangs in the balance, and only the keenest minds will emerge victorious.
Due to the nature and mature content of the show, no children under 16 please.
Doors open at 5:00 pm with cash bar available.
Show starts promptly at 5:30 pm. Dinner served during the show.
Seating will be assigned to all attendees.
Costumes encouraged but not required (dress code is business casual), and prizes awarded.
Reservations are required. Cost is $100 per person and includes show, meal, milk, tea, coffee, fountain soft drink, tax and gratuity.
For costume inspiration that fits the theme of the show, think all things vampire related. This includes but isn’t limited to Goth counter culture, elegant Victorian/Edwardian suits and gowns, traditional Romanian attire, soulless corporate power looks, haute couture with a sinister twist, cocktail hour, pale makeup, top hats, robes/capes, romantic opera attire with tragic undertones, black leather and lace, pretty much anything that is filtered through a Goth Vampire lens.
Menu for the evening:
1st Course: Starters
Housemade Dinner Rolls
Warm, freshly baked dinner rolls served with creamy butter.
Spring Mix Salad
A vibrant mix of fresh spring greens, adorned with crumbled feta, sweet strawberries, and candied pepitas, all drizzled with our house-made raspberry vinaigrette.
*2nd Course: Main Entrées & Sides
Main Plated Entrée Options:
*Choice of Main Entrée must be selected at time of ticket purchase
Herb Roasted Prime Rib
Succulent prime rib roasted to perfection with a fragrant blend of herbs, served with a rich au jus and a tangy horseradish cream sauce.
Vegan Chili
A hearty and flavorful vegan chili, brimming with a variety of beans and vegetables, seasoned to perfection.
Side Dish Pairings:
Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Creamy mashed potatoes infused with the rich, savory flavor of roasted garlic.
Pesto Broccoli
Fresh, steamed broccoli florets tossed in a luxurious pesto butter, offering a delightful blend of herbaceous and nutty flavors.
Red Velvet Molten Lava Cake
Rich, crimson cake is perfectly balanced with the intense, gooey chocolate filling that oozes out, creating a heavenly combination of textures and flavors.
Click here to purchase tickets!